Emma Williams, Director of Housing and Regeneration at the Welsh government, has written to council chief executives, directors of housing and housing association chief executives and chairs asking them to provide details of how they have responded to the lessons learned from the tragic death of Awaab Ishak.

In her letter Ms Williams has asked for information on the following areas:

⦁ Whether the landlord has carried out a review in relation to damp and mould in recent weeks and if not, why not.
⦁ Where a review has been carried out what it’s findings were.
⦁ For any damp and mould cases which are not being dealt with effectively, what was the scale and what are the Landlord’s plans for remediation.
⦁ Explain the data the landlord holds in relation to damp and mould, including the level of stock coverage and how often the data is scrutinised and refreshed.
⦁ Explain any assurance given to the governing body by the Landlord, to give them confidence the organisations’ systems and processes are the best they can be and do not discriminate in any way, to ensure damp and mould issues are dealt with promptly and effectively.

Social landlords in the country have until 20th January 2023 to send through the information requested in Ms Williams’ letter.